The Blog
My goal is to write things to inspire you, challenge you, and help you become the best human and leader you can be
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The connection between childhood and leadership
Anytime I’m home—like this last week—I find myself observing family dynamics, and with each visit, I understand myself more and more.
Have I told you lately that I love you?
As I’ve been thinking about the acknowledgements I want to write to our team, it got me thinking about how I also want to acknowledge you.
A baby and a wedding
My Break Week was filled with lots of relaxing and recharging, of course, but most of my time was spent thinking about these two big moments and the significance of each.
Why do I feel like this?
Life is fantastic right now, and yet, I've had this strange feeling that I can’t quite articulate and can’t put my finger on.
Meet me out in the parking lot
Is it ever appropriate to be so brutally honest in giving feedback that it may hurt someone?
How do you even write a book, anyway?
I get a lot of questions about the book-writing process, and it was certainly something I was curious about before I wrote a book.
Heck to the no
Here’s what happens when you don’t set boundaries: You become really freaking resentful.
What is human leadership?
Have you ever believed in something so much, and yet, you have trouble articulating what it is that you feel and see?
It doesn’t do us any good to keep our jitters inside. Let’s talk about them. Let’s normalize them. Let’s humanize them.
Sometimes the answer is to do…nothing
I thought that right after we transitioned our business, we would hit the gas. What actually happened is quite uncharacteristic of me, and of us.
Settle with yourself
So many times, I have realized that the pressure I feel to do it all has come from ME. From my self-imposed expectations and from my self-imposed discouragement when I don’t meet those expectations.
Thanks for the feedback
As we unpacked the feedback from this courageous person, I had a moment where I thought, Oh no. I’m doing it again.
When Break Week leads to . . . Team Break Week!
If there's one important lesson I’ve learned over the last year and a half, it’s this: Taking a break is key to avoiding burnout and continuing success.
Break Week
Next week, I’m taking my second Think Week of the year. But this time it’s going to look a little different than it has in the past.
10 Years Of Service
You see this amazing human right here? Her name is Rachel, and on Sunday, she celebrated 10 years with our company.
Playing hooky
My trips to Florida always remind me that my work matters and that the people I love matter even more.
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