The Blog
My goal is to write things to inspire you, challenge you, and help you become the best human and leader you can be
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I’m embarrassed to tell you what my lunch “breaks” used to look like (but I will anyway).
The little yeses add up
One of the things I’ve struggled with the most is how to handle small requests that come from people who are not my clients or my team.
The magic of showing up authentically
We worked to pinpoint the one major shift they could each make to unlock their authenticity on stage. And one by one, the magic happened.
Discipline as a form of self-love
Even though I dubbed 2024 my year of self-love, I’m actually loving myself even better in 2025.
How I’m shifting my mindset from scarcity to abundance
The first time, I didn’t want to go because of what it would have taken away from me. But this time, I’m going because of what I will gain.
The unintentional impact of going above and beyond
What my therapist helped me uncover is that I spend a lot of time going “above and beyond” for others—often without being expected to.
As a visionary, this is my Achilles’ heel
It’s a great strength to have… and it can also really stress out my team.
Why 5 flights in 5 days aligned with my values
I figured out a way to make it work, and it’s a perfect example of living my definition of work/life harmony.
When the team’s request for flexibility conflicts with the needs of the business
I wanted to write about this topic because I think this is one of the hardest balances to strike as a leader.
A love letter
I’m not sure that I’ve ever expressed how much it means to me that you’re here, reading my words, week after week.
The best feedback convo ever
I know that addressing feedback in a timely manner is what builds trust, and as a leader, I have made a commitment to our team to address things when I feel them.
Resentment is an unmet need
That one realization is what led to all the changes I described in my last two posts.
Challenging the "it's always been done this way" mentality
I love being a part of the process, and also, I knew I needed to free up some mental capacity to work on my book. So, I decided to challenge myself.
Why I said goodbye to a part of my job that I loved
I went for a walk and let my mind wander, and I stumbled upon a hard truth about myself.
The smallest feedback can be the hardest to give
It would have been so easy to just keep moving forward in the day and not address it. And in the past, I think that's what I would have done.
How to deal with judgment as a leader
This challenge is magnified by flexible or remote work, and it also comes up when we take time off.
Screwing up when the stakes are high
At the end of the day, they are human beings, and screwing up comes with the territory.
To meet or not to meet? That is the question
My team and I recently got aligned on some huge decisions—without ever having a single meeting.
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