34 wishes for a more human world on my 34th birthday


©Pete Longworth

On Saturday, I turn 34. 

And if I had a cake with 34 candles on it, I would make 34 wishes. Wishes that would all lead to one thing . . . a more human world.

In the world I envision, each of these 34 wishes becomes the new normal . . .

  1. We confidently share our ideas. 

  2. We extend grace, love, and empathy to ourselves and others. 

  3. We ask for help. 

  4. We take breaks.

  5. We trust first.

  6. We celebrate what makes us unique. 

  7. We own our screwups. 

  8. We speak up when what we see isn’t good enough. 

  9. We care for ourselves so that we can care for others. 

  10. We create environments of belonging.

  11. We see each other for who we are, not what we produce.

  12. We make others feel psychologically safe.

  13. We share the stories that show our humanity.

  14. We give honest and compassionate feedback.

  15. We lean into our strengths.

  16. We take risks. 

  17. We hold each other accountable. 

  18. We trust people to do their jobs. 

  19. We set boundaries.

  20. We aim for work/life harmony.

  21. We take an honest look at ourselves before we blame others.

  22. We work to understand our differences and our flaws. 

  23. We walk away when something isn’t serving us anymore. 

  24. We understand that our weaknesses make space for others’ superpowers.

  25. We evolve and change and find peace in that. 

  26. We share the life experiences that have shaped us.

  27. We work to become better versions of ourselves. 

  28. We have hard conversations because we know they help us grow.

  29. We give specific, meaningful recognition on the regular.

  30. We prioritize quality of work over hours logged.

  31. We create space for vulnerability.

  32. We lean into who we are instead of who we think we should be. 

  33. We lead with our hearts so that we can inspire others to lead with theirs.

  34. We make every person feel like they matter—because they do.

I know these wishes can come true. It will take a lot of courage, compassion, and collaboration, but I know it’s possible. We can start right now. With ourselves. With those around us.

What kind of world do you wish for?

Birthday hugs,


P.S. Our next Human Leadership Program is coming up on March 16 +17!! Join us and learn how to become a more authentic, human leader. Tickets and more info here!

P.P.S. Looking for a way to invest in yourself in 2022?! We’d love to invite you to join our monthly coaching group. You can find all the deets here!


Ask yourself: Is this something only I can do?


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