The books and films that inspired me most in 2022


Hi friends!

I can’t believe this is our last week of 2022. Can you?!

I hope you are having a nice holiday so far. I know this time of year can also be tough, so if that resonates with you, I am sending you a big, big hug.

As for me, I’m still on break enjoying unplugged time with my loved ones. Before I left, I prepared a few fun roundups for you that I hope you’ll enjoy!

For today’s post, I want to share the books and movies that inspired me most in 2022. But before I share that list with you, I want to share a bit more about why I love reading books and watching movies so much.

I believe it’s so important to be intentional about taking time to do things that inspire us, help us think differently, and open our eyes to different perspectives. I do that by reading books and watching films. 

I have always loved reading. I’ve found some of my greatest mentors in books, and many of the ideas I’ve implemented in my life and business are a result of the books I’ve read. And when it comes to watching movies—especially documentaries and biopics—I have learned so much about the world, about history, and have been exposed to experiences and perspectives that are different from my own. Without question, the habit of intentionally taking time to do things that help expand my mindset has been instrumental and invaluable to my growth as a human and leader. (In fact, I am probably reading or watching something as you are reading this because I tend to do that a lot on breaks!)

I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 books and the top 10 films that inspired me most this year. And let me tell you: This was a hard list to put together! I knew I needed criteria to help me narrow this list down, so every title that made my top 10 checked these three boxes:

  • Made me think differently

  • Opened my mind to a perspective or life experience that is different than mine

  • Led to an idea that I implemented in my life or business

So, without further ado, these are the books and films that had the biggest impact on me this year!


There we have it! If you liked this, maybe I’ll make it a yearly tradition. And if you have some down time over the holidays to read a book or watch a film, maybe one of these will catch your eye and impact you, too!

Sending a big hug from break. I’ll be back next week with another post I’ve prepared while I’m away!



My best advice for setting goals


Break Week Roundup