My best advice for setting goals


Hi friends!

Oh my goodness . . . it’s 2023! Happy New Year! I’m so excited that we get to do another year together. 

The team and I are still on break for one more week. I can't wait to “officially” be back here with you next Tuesday, but in the meantime, I have one more post that I prepared before we took off to help you get in the mindset for this amazing year ahead!

Whenever I head into a new year, I like to take some time to reflect on the things that I want to do differently using the lessons I learned in the previous year as a compass. In fact, that’s what I’ll be doing this week. The first week of any new year is my most favorite time to look inward and get really clear on what I want to manifest in the 365 days ahead as well as the goals I want to set for myself.

Right before our break, we hosted our R&R Retreat. The purpose of the retreat is to bring people together and create the space for reflection and clarity. Through a mix of guided reflection questions and breakout discussions, we help people reflect on the year that has passed, pinpoint the things that went well and that didn’t, and get clear on the shifts they want to make and the goals they want to pursue in the year ahead. 

I thought it might be special to share some of my favorite reflection questions from our R&R Retreat. Below are five questions that I hope will help you think about your intentions for 2023:

  1. What is one limiting belief you are ready to stop believing in the year ahead? What is one excuse you are ready to stop using?

  2. How do you want to contribute most in this upcoming year? What is your greatest opportunity?

  3. What are you most excited about in this upcoming year? What would make this year feel like your best year yet?

  4. Where do you want to get unstuck in this upcoming year? What habits are preventing you from reaching your goals?

  5. What is the one thing that you could focus on this year to make the biggest positive difference in your life?

When it comes to goal-setting, I’m a big believer in keeping it simple. I always find that I have more success when I set one goal and go all in as opposed to setting several goals, which usually causes me to be a bit distracted and lose momentum. Some of my most successful personal goals I’ve achieved in the past have been: getting in the best health I’ve ever been in, going 365 days without alcohol, and getting up at 4 a.m. But, these goals were only successful because I focused on one at a time and went all in until I achieved them.

That’s what works for me personally, and of course, something else might work better for you! When it comes to setting goals for yourself, it’s so important to follow what works best for you. These are your goals—no one else’s! As you think about your own goal (or goals) for 2023, don’t forget to check out our Goal-Setting Workbook, which guides you through the same process I use to set mine. You can download that here. I hope it sparks some inspiration!

Last but not least, I want to offer you an exercise that we do at the end of our R&R Retreat. It’s called “Dear Me,” and it prompts you to imagine your life a year from now and write a postcard to yourself from the future. What did you accomplish this year? What are you most proud of? What kind of person have you grown to be? You can find the “Dear Me” letter I wrote to myself and download a template to create your own here! Once you write yours, you can put it in an envelope and then read it at the end of next year to see if everything you wished and hoped for came true!

I hope you find these questions and resources helpful as you think about the year ahead. Whether you’re a goal-setting kind of person or not, I hope that by sharing these, I’ve inspired you to think about what you can do to make this your best year yet!

Can’t wait to see you back here next week and have another year of learning and growing together! 

Big hugs,



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