I'm stuck
Me, Stuck
I’ve been sitting on this blog post for a while.
Every single day over the last week I told myself that I would work on it. I blocked “WRITING TIME” on my calendar in all capital letters so that I couldn’t not see it. And what did I do? I put it off…and I put it off…and I put it off…until here we are, right before the deadline.
And so, I thought, I’ll write about that. About why I kept putting it off.
The truth is, sometimes writing is the last thing I want to do. I love this blog and I love that it gives me a way to express myself—and I want you to know that I’m so incredibly grateful for you, dear reader—and also…writing is hard.
Sometimes the words and the ideas flow. Sometimes my fingers can’t keep up with how quickly the thoughts are leaving my mind and my heart, competing for a spot on my Google doc. Sometimes I feel so creatively charged, like there’s a spark inside that could light a room. On my best days, I feel emotional when I write. That’s how I know I’m writing about something I really, really care about.
And then there are days like today, and like every day that has passed this week. Days when I can’t find the words, no matter how hard I try. Today, I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to string the sentences together. I feel like I have nothing to share, even though I know I have so much to share. Isn’t that a frustrating feeling? I feel stuck, uninspired, and a little dull even though there is so much in my life that is working, inspiring, and bright.
That’s just the way it goes sometimes. We can’t always feel creative. We can’t always be inspired. We can’t always be [insert some other word that I can’t think of right now here]. We are human.
Maybe it isn’t writing for you. Maybe you are reading this, and you too are feeling stuck in some area of your life. What I want you to know is that it’s okay. What I want you to do is have the courage to own your stuckness. And most of all, I want you to give yourself grace.
Just for fun I’m not having my team edit this one. This is me, folks. Raw and real with probably dozens of grammatical errors by now and certainly one made up word. It’s okay. Life will go on. You’ll get unstuck, and so will I. We always do!
Big hugs,