Christmas in March


My parents on “Christmas Eve”!

I'm back, I'm back!

Break Week was great. Really great. I feel refreshed, recharged, and ready to tackle Q2 with my team!

My family and I had plans to be together in person for the holidays in December, but because of COVID, those plans changed in an instant. It felt unfair, frustrating, and so, so sad. (Remember this picture?)

But then, we had an idea: We couldn't have this moment now, but maybe we could recreate our holiday a few months down the line, when–hopefully–the danger had passed.

So that's what we did! I spent my Break Week with my family, having a Christmas celebration in the middle of March. We did matching Christmas jammies, hot cocoa, stockings, the whole thing. We even celebrated some birthdays we missed out on over the last few months. I'm so grateful that we got to have this time. It was special in a way that's hard for me to describe, and I hope there are many, many more moments like it ahead of us.

The lesson for me in this whole experience is that things won't always go the way we want or expect. We can’t control the obstacles that might get in our way and disrupt our plans, but we CAN choose how we react to them. We can allow ourselves to feel our feelings, and then we can start to think about how we can move through the moment and still make the best of it.

Grateful for the perspective this time off has given me. Grateful for complete presence with family. Grateful for the time we have together (while also wishing time would slow down a bit). Grateful for a company where Break Weeks are a thing and where we have the space and time to create memories with our loved ones.⁣

I’m back with the most inspired heart, ready to serve. See you right back here next week!

Big hugs,


P.S. Our next Human Leadership Program will take place May 18th + 19th!! Join us and learn how to become a more authentic, human leader. Tickets and more info here!

P.P.S. Want my weekly blog posts delivered right to your inbox? Sign up here! Our once-a-week emails have a whole new look and exclusive content just for our community. This week, I shared all the books I’m reading (or planning to read) right now!


Dammit Doll


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