The Blog
My goal is to write things to inspire you, challenge you, and help you become the best human and leader you can be
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Yes, this is another article about millennials. But don’t worry; it’s certainly not about blaming millennials for “killing” yet another industry or spending too much money on avocado toast.
31 Lessons In 31 Years
Today I turn 31. So, in honor of being on this planet one year longer, I've made a list of 31 things I've learned since my last birthday. Enjoy!
Writing My Eulogy
My executive coach, Paul, recently gave me an interesting assignment. He asked me to write my eulogy.
Work On, Not In
My executive team and I just returned from a weeklong offsite in Mexico. It was reflective and challenging and inspiring and fun and a million other amazing adjectives.
Feedback Gone Wrong
Have you heard of this magical place called the blow-dry bar? If you spend a lot of time styling your hair, I’m warning you now…
In Case You Need A Pep Talk
I recently hosted some friends visiting from out of town. We hadn’t seen each other in what felt like a lifetime, so naturally we spent the first night catching up by the fire pit with some good wine.
How to put people first even when you’re busy
This is the story of Jared. Jared is one of our amazing students at Student Maid.
I Screwed Up Today
It’s after 2 a.m. I can’t sleep. I had a super long (and awesome) day at work with my executive team.
Loving People Out
Today is hard. Today, Maria—an extremely valuable member of my executive team—leaves my company.
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