Best choice for our people, worst choice for our numbers. We did it anyway.

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Last week, we made the decision to close Student Maid and put our people before our numbers. In case you missed it, I wanted to share the message I wrote after we made that choice. I think it’s important, and I ask that you share it. As leaders, now is the time to protect our people and put them first!


Just ended the hardest and most meaningful meeting we've ever had as a company. I sat with my team (all virtually, of course) and announced our decision to close Student Maid for at least two weeks.

This decision was not an easy one to make, and I want to write about it because I think it's important.

Closing for two weeks—maybe more—will be absolutely devastating to our business. We do not have large margins. We have debt from growing the business, and we were on track to have it all paid off this year and give raises to our whole team. This will no doubt set us back. And, we are in the business of CLEANING. We could have used this as an opportunity to surcharge and try to get as many clients as possible. I would be lying if I said I didn't think about the financial opportunity we had in this moment. But ultimately, this isn't about money. This is about protecting the people who put their trust in us.

As a leader, there is one thing I have always told myself and believed with every ounce of my being: My people come first. I feel it is my responsibility to put the health and safety of our precious students above all else. We have already reduced our workload and taken lots of steps to be even safer and more proactive, but at the end of the day, I cannot put my head on my pillow at night and say that we are doing all we can to keep our team members and clients safe. The only way to keep people truly safe is to stop cleaning.

Today, we told our team that we are going to take care of them during this time. We are paying them over these next two weeks even though we cannot afford to, and we will do everything in our power to make sure they are taken care of for the time that we are closed. We even asked that those who do not need the resources put it in a pot so that it can go to our team members who really do. Our leadership team members will be reducing salaries. I wish you could have seen what I witnessed in this meeting. We hear that young people are entitled and so "me-me-me" focused? We have 19-year-olds raising their hands to take care of one another. If this is the future—and it is—we are so lucky. We have some incredible, compassionate leaders that are about to rock our world.

If you feel compelled to help Student Maid during this time, we are selling gift cards in any amount that can be used as a credit for future cleanings. You can email our office to coordinate: No matter how small the amount, it will help us support our students and keep the lights on as we navigate this time. In addition, we will be applying for the Bridge Loan through the State of Florida, and I am also going to be offering virtual team sessions since speaking and traveling are on pause right now.

I also want to say that if you are a business owner, I see you. Man, do I see you. I'm hugging you. I know these are hard decisions. So hard. I know there is no "right" one to make. You have to do what feels right in your heart. I urge you to think about the people who are in your care. The people who put their trust in you. I know the financial ramifications are so scary. We will get through this together.

I love you all,



It's never too late


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