A letter to YOU


Lately, I’ve had more work than I know what to do with. It’s all good work: I’m doing things I love that are so meaningful, and they are things I always dreamed I would do one day. And—it’s a lot. Some days I feel like I do so much, and yet, there’s still so much more to do. I never feel “caught up,” and I struggle with that. I shared these thoughts with a few people close to me, and the response was, “Me too! I feel the same way!” It made me feel less alone. Then, I decided to share these thoughts on social media, hoping it might make others feel less alone, too. The response was similar. Turns out, many of us feel this way. So now, I’m putting it here in case YOU need to hear it. Today’s post is dedicated to the person who is overwhelmed. To the person who is trying to juggle accomplishing big goals and dreams while still putting one foot in front of the other. To the person who needs encouragement from a friend to keep going. Today, I want to be that friend to you—and if you’re that friend to someone who needs to hear these words, please share this post and remind them how much they matter and what they are capable of.

Dear you,

I know there’s a lot going on. Seems like it never ends, doesn’t it?

I know that at times, it can all feel like so much, and right now, you might be struggling to keep up. You might feel overwhelmed, tired, and even a bit burned out. You might be looking at your list and questioning how on earth you’ll be able to get it all done. You might look at what you’ve got to do and realize that everything is important. There are no “easy” tasks. Everything has the potential to make an impact. Where do you even start? How do you even choose?
I know you care about the work that you do. If you didn’t care, you wouldn’t feel overwhelmed or even have these thoughts. You would feel detached from it all. The overwhelm comes from wanting to do your best and make a difference.

I know you know how special it is to have a lot on your plate. How special it is that you get to say that you do work that matters. That you have work that needs your special gifts, time, and attention—yours and only yours. How cool is that? Being overwhelmed is a positive challenge. It really is a blessing.

At the same time, it’s okay to love the work that you do, to have tremendous gratitude for it, and to acknowledge that sometimes, it feels like too much. Sometimes, you just don’t want to do it. Sometimes, you wish you didn’t care so much about your work. Sometimes, you wish you could just turn it off—mentally and emotionally—with the snap of a finger. How is it possible to love something so much that you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world and still have these thoughts? It’s possible because you are human.

Being human means recognizing that you are one person. Knowing that there are only 24 hours in the day. Understanding that no matter how much you want to give your all to everything that you’ve got to do every day, it isn’t possible. Remembering that if you are everywhere, you are nowhere. Finding acceptance in the fact that if you put your energy here, it isn’t going over there. Trusting your judgment and ability to prioritize, even if others don’t understand your method. 

Being human means recognizing that you need time for yourself. To rest and recharge. To step away from your work, even when it feels like that’s the last thing you should do. To give yourself permission to take a break, even if it means you might fall a bit behind. To have days when you don’t accomplish a single thing except for staying alive. To wait until tomorrow.

Being human means setting realistic expectations for yourself. Knowing that the world will not end if you leave emails unanswered. Finding acceptance in missing deadlines that didn’t honor your capacity from the start anyway. Knowing the difference between the expectations that you have for yourself and the expectations that others have for you. Recognizing that your overwhelm likely comes from your own expectations and remembering that you have the power to change those.

Being human means asking for help and support. Being vulnerable and letting people in. Knowing that it isn’t a weakness to say that you can’t do it all. Knowing that it actually gives others the permission to admit the same.

Please pretend I am saying this with a megaphone: I am so proud of you. You are doing so awesome! You are not behind. You are right on time and exactly where you need to be. Do you hear me?! Stop what you are doing right now and take a moment to acknowledge how incredible you are. What you are capable of. What you have accomplished in your life that has gotten you to this point. How special it is to do work that you care about and that you feel connected to.

I hope you’ll keep this letter close. The next time you have a moment where you feel overwhelmed, I hope you’ll reread it. I hope it reminds you that you are not alone. You are human!

You’ve got this.

Big hugs,



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